Executive Professionalism
How to act & communicate like a credible, effective leader Let's Talk!About Kelly Watkins
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Developing Your Leaders
Expressive Concepts helps companies & organizations increase productivity & profitability by developing their High-Level & High-Potential leaders. We improve your ROI by providing highly-customized solutions to your unique challenges. Our full-service Consulting includes … Needs Analysis, Curriculum Design, Program Creation, Training, Coaching, and Follow-up. Your company’s leaders need Executive Professionalism™. (Kelly Watkins created this concept.) It goes beyond executive presence and generic leadership skills. Executive Professionalism™ helps leaders be credible, effective professionals (in diverse environments) – whether they are working around the globe, or around the local office. Let us improve your Executive Professionalism™!
Seminars and Workshops
Executive Coaching
Analysis and Consulting
Long-Term Programs (6-12 months)
Complex Customized Programs
Expressive Concepts offers Specialty Programs for
Women Leaders
Global Professionals
Technical Professionals (Accounting, IT, Engineering, etc.)
Ask Yourself
Talent Management Challenges
What Professional Development problems is your company facing? Whether your goal is to develop your succession pipeline, increase retention, or improve employee engagement, Expressive Concepts can help!
The programs we create are interactive and highly energetic. Participants leave with actionable plans and techniques they can implement now.
Do your Key Employees need to lead more effectively?
Do your High Potential Employees need professional development?
Do your Teams need less conflict?
Do your Technical Experts need to communicate more clearly?
Do your Global staff need cross-cultural training?
About Kelly Watkins
Kelly Watkins, MBA, has witnessed leadership from awesome to awful – all over the globe – on all 7 continents & all 50 US states. Kelly is a Thought Leader on Global Leadership Development for 25+ years. She helps people to build skills, but she doesn’t stop there. Kelly also focuses on helping people build the right mindset, behaviors, and perspective. You can read Kelly’s long client list and see all the books and articles Kelly has written, but here’s the really important information to know. Kelly’s passion is helping people grow and develop. She lives to see that “AHA” on your face. She wants you to become a leader that is more productive and profitable, … and especially more personally fulfilled.
Just a few of Expressive Concepts’ satisfied clients

“People don’t believe you have ability …
until they believe you have credibility”
– Kelly Watkins
Your delivery was exceptional! Your points were direct and relevant. Students can apply the lessons they learned from you directly to their lives. The presentation also provided students with tips they will be able to rely on for the rest of their lives. I know students connected with you.
You can not begin to believe how many women have told me how right on and perfect your talk was this month! YOU ROCKED!!! Especially our visitors. They LOVED you!
Books Kelly has written or contributed to:
Global Communication
Dubai and the People Side of Global Business
Email Etiquette Made Easy
A 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Courageous Leadership
Kelly’s articles have appeared in:

7304 Old Vincennes Road
Floyds Knobs, IN 47119